Earlier this evening there was a massive vehicle chase. It started out as a vehicle stop on Joshua and an officer being shot. The vehicle had left the scene and a Bolo issued for the vehicle. Later on the vehicle was located in sandy shores and it initiated a vehicle pursuit that last about 30 mins. During this time the subject wrecked the vehicle and stole a vehicle being an f150. This pursuit continued back down to Los Santos and back up to Sandy shores ending near the airport where the suspect was tased. We learned from officer statements that the suspects name was Marcus Ferrell. Marcus had a warrant issued for his arrest for attempted murder of a LEO. Marcus is expected to be in court next month.
Failure to Yield to Blue Lights
Fleeing & Evading
3x Endangerment of Officer
Wrong Way Traveling
3x Excessive speeding 15 – 20 over
6x Failure to Yield to Traffic Control Lights
Possession of a Stolen Firearm
Possession of Stolen Property
2x Procession of a Controlled Substance
2x Failure to Wear a Safety Belt
Failure to Provide Proper Documents (ONL Insurance & Registration)
Driving on Suspanded License
Attempted Murder of LEO
Title 7(246.3)(a)PC – Discharge of a Firearm in Public
Title 6(23103)VC – Reckless Driving
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